We just returned from vacation happy, but exhausted. As I walked around the house, I saw the many chores filling up the days ahead–the vacuuming, the dishes, the homeschool room that needs to be set up, the laundry, and the poop incident in the tub. And inside I complained. As I sat and watched the baby in his high chair after dinner, I felt God gently prompt me to thank Him. Here in front of me was the child...
I was driving home from my favorite discount grocery store and heard the Casting Crowns song, “Thrive,” playing on the radio. This chorus ends with this: “We know we were made for so much more / Than ordinary lives / It’s time for us to more than just survive / We were made to thrive.” I like the song, but weary from another long week with the kiddos, I thought of how my days don’t look like thriving, and they...
My kiddos (mostly the four-year-old) have said some pretty funny things over the last few months. I jotted them down so I could share some of with you. . . . Anna (four years old): “Can I have some honey mustard for my apples?” . . . Anna: “My stomach hurts. It has a headache.” . . . Anna: “Mom, how do you say ‘I love you”? Me: “I . . . love . . . you . ....
It was a rough day in the world in the world of mommying. I like things nice and neat, but nothing about this day was nice and neat. I like things orderly, calm, sweet–a hearts and flowers kinda girl. You can probably guess that today was none of those things. You think you’re a calm, patient, reasonable person who has attained some level of maturity, and then God puts you in the role of training and raising up adorable little...
We sure need good news in our house. We’re experts at sinning and wanting our own way (especially me!). We need rescue. We need for Jesus to work in our hearts through His Spirit. We want to obey God, but we find we’re very resistant! I’ve been thinking about ways we can share the Good News with our kids–here at home and at church. With my kids, a combination of both art and music have been great tools for...
I impressed myself this morning. I was the mom I know I can be if I just pull it together. I didn’t yell ALL morning. I controlled my twitches of anger when one little miss took almost two hours to stuff a pile of clean clothes in her dresser. I used my best calm mommy voice. I let them paint. Post-nap I let myself down. I blame it on the new sprinkler, which was supposed to be highly entertaining....