Do you ever find yourself scrambling to fill a need you can’t even clearly identify? Chocolate! Coffee! Social media feed! Something to distract me! Love me, love me (husband, friends)! Just one more cute shirt! For me these searches quickly turn into discontentment and irritation. Well, that didn’t work . . . on to the next thing. And it’s exhausting. “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does...
It’s so good to be back after my month of rest! Even though my husband (who has recovered well) was stuck on the couch a good two weeks after his knee surgery, I found there’s a soul rest that doesn’t depend on the fullness of your days. My house is rarely quiet, but my soul needed to stop striving and live quietly for a while. Over the break, I read three books in the Chronicles of Narnia series that...
We just returned from vacation happy, but exhausted. As I walked around the house, I saw the many chores filling up the days ahead–the vacuuming, the dishes, the homeschool room that needs to be set up, the laundry, and the poop incident in the tub. And inside I complained. As I sat and watched the baby in his high chair after dinner, I felt God gently prompt me to thank Him. Here in front of me was the child...
How I deal with depressing days
I have days when I’m just sad. Depression is just a part of the rhythm of my life. It comes and goes. Sometimes I can figure out the source (physical, situational) and others times I can’t. I feel sad or oppressed by life, weighed down. I get quiet and weepy. I feel extra needy and don’t know why. One blessing of having been very low in the past is that I know a few things: I know God will...
Do you ever have days where your soul feels sore? I had one recently. There was nothing major wrong, just a multitude of little things rubbing me wrong. A child with an attitude.A conversation with a teacher, “We had a little problem with so-and-so today. She’s normally so good . . .”A sinful thought that disappoints.An interrupted nap.An unresolved relationship that I can’t control.A struggling friend.An awkward conversation I wish went better.Worry over what someone might think of something...
Something about mommying pushes me to the end of my of myself–pretty much every day–or at least several times a day. I stay home with the kids and we’re starting homeschool in the Fall, so we’re together A LOT. I love it, I really do, and I’m so thankful for it, but it pushes all my buttons and challenges all my shiny, but fake idols that I love more than Jesus (including a desire for space and control over...