I had a longer blog post planned for this week, but quite honestly I’m having a hard time keeping it together this week. Let’s just say the combination of three kids doing school at home all day plus the frustration of not getting to do all the things I’d like to do is draining for me. As I looked through some photos I snapped recently of old family photos at my mom’s house, I thought about my parents. I...
My son is three and half now, very verbal, and asking big questions: How did I get out of your belly when I was a baby? (“God made a way, buddy.”) Who’s your mom? (“Mamo.”) Why do I have to take a nap? (“Because Mommy needs a nap too.”) Where is God? He asks the last question strapped into his carseat behind me as I drive. I answer, “Well, God is in heaven.” “Where is heaven?” “Heaven is...
Hi friends! On a whim, the kids and I decided to jump right in and start school this week. It’s feels good to be back in a familiar rhythm. We’re studying the first part of American history this year (starting with the native peoples of the Americas using Sonlight Core D), and I’m excited to see what we’ll learn. We’ve made a few small adjustments in organization and scheduling from last year that seem to be helping. Having the...
(The Amazon links in this post are affiliate links,* which means that if you purchase something using them, I get a small portion of the sale. It’s a small way you can support the blog, but only if you’d like!) Okay, I know it’s not technically summer yet (see previous post), but . . . HAPPY SUMMER!!! I am feeling so much better this week and settling into the groove of summer. I am reading Anne Brontë’s (of the Brontë...
Hi friends! Today I’m guest-posting “10 ways to be another mom’s cheerleader” over at the JellyTelly blog HERE. You can also head there to download these encouraging Scripture verse cards! I hope you enjoy the post! I was in the middle of a battle of wills with a child of mine. (This is the same child who responded to my observation, “You are being particularly difficult this morning,” with: “I don’t speak Spanish.”) My dear friend and neighbor came...
Hey friends! My last set of printable love notes got a lot of good feedback, so I thought I’d draw up a new set for you! Make sure to share these with your teacher and mommy friends! To get your printables, just go HERE or click the image below! *I’m so happy for you to enjoy my coloring pages and printables for your personal (not commercial) use! Use for Bible studies, church groups or events, and Sunday school classes are all fine! If you’re in...
Do you ever find yourself scrambling to fill a need you can’t even clearly identify? Chocolate! Coffee! Social media feed! Something to distract me! Love me, love me (husband, friends)! Just one more cute shirt! For me these searches quickly turn into discontentment and irritation. Well, that didn’t work . . . on to the next thing. And it’s exhausting. “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does...
At one point this week, one of my children screamed from the bedroom, “I hate this place so much!” To be honest (which I always try to be here), I wasn’t loving “this place” so much either. Summer has been trying at times here for us (well, mostly me). We’re off our regular routine of friends, community, and school. I’m dealing with some allergy issues. My husband is in the middle of some demanding projects at...
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