When you think of God, do you think of His infinite joy, and the delight he takes in his good creation, including you? I’m slowly reading through Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy.** You’ll probably be hearing a lot about it here as I work through it. I was reading this week about how God is characterized by joy. Willard writes, “Undoubtedly, is the most joyous being in the universe. The abundance of his love and generosity is inseparable from his infinite...
I typically take December off from blogging, but before I do, I wanted to share this December screensaver and printable Christmas coloring page with you! This image is also available in the shop as a printable 8 x 10″ print and Christmas card set (along with other fun new designs)! You can download your coloring page HERE or by clicking on the image below! You can get your screensaver by right-clicking on the second image below, saving to your...
I can’t think on much of anything more astounding than the sovereignty and patience of God in completing His plan for us. “It is finished” was the final cry of Jesus on the cross as He surrendered up His human spirit. Every prophecy was fulfilled. A perfectly righteous life lived. Every sin paid for. The great enemies (Satan, death, and sin) defeated. The veil (symbolic and physical) separating God and man torn (Matthew 27:50-51). If “it is finished,” where...
My son, who is now one, is beginning to love little hiding places. When I take him into the bathroom with me (because that’s what moms of curious walking one-year-olds must do, right?), he crawls into the empty cabinet under the sink and shuts the doors. Another favorite place is the space in the corner of our living room behind our Ikea lounge chair. There’s something comforting about being tucked into a secret place, unless you are claustrophobic like...
God is up to something in me. I feel a particular strain of truth hitting me from several directions and I’m wading in the deep of it. We have just started a study of Galatians in our community group. I’m reading Elyse Fitzpatrick’s “Good News for Weary Women: escaping the bondage of to-do lists, steps, and bad advice,” I had a conversation about judging and grace with my friend Katie over lunch leftovers last week while the kids ran...
I know it looks like I’ve gotten my blog posts all mixed up and have skipped Thanksgiving, but I promise this is right on time! I have a very vivid memory of one Christmas as a child. I must have been in about third grade. It was evening on Christmas day and I was curled up in the corner of my bedroom feeling completely deflated. It hadn’t been magical. The gifts I got were nice, but maybe slightly disappointing...
The JOY source + FREE printable Scripture cards
My mother-in-law asked me to create this joy Scripture card set for a church event recently. We love how they turned out, so we’re sharing them with you today! I love these verses because they remind me of our joy source: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.” Psalm 51:12 “Let all who take refuge in you be glad, Let them ever sing for joy.” Psalm 5:11 “You make known to...
We just returned from vacation happy, but exhausted. As I walked around the house, I saw the many chores filling up the days ahead–the vacuuming, the dishes, the homeschool room that needs to be set up, the laundry, and the poop incident in the tub. And inside I complained. As I sat and watched the baby in his high chair after dinner, I felt God gently prompt me to thank Him. Here in front of me was the child...