My middle daughter has had stitches to her cheek from a fall into an open dresser drawer, a chipped a tooth, and a staple to her head from spinning into the coffee table–all in the last year. Now, every bump and cry makes my heart jump. Last week she ran out alone across a parking lot, ignoring our instructions to stop. No cars were coming but I relived that scene over later, thinking of the big truck that may...
The girls and I have been working on these memory verses the last few weeks, so I thought I’d share printables for you to use too! You can download them by clicking here:As in Adam/1 Corinthians 15:22For by Grace/Ephesians 2:8-9My printables are free for your personal use! If you like this, you can get these posts in your inbox by signing up HERE! You’ll also receive news of any specials and deals in my Etsy shop.
You know how you read God’s Word, but it doesn’t really sink in? You’re thinking, I know this is really profound, but it just isn’t changing my life right now. What am I doing wrong? I feel like that a lot. But God’s Word is not a dead book for me to figure out all by myself: “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of...
Do you know those moments when you’re faced with your own brokenness and failures? Other than my daily flops and flounderings in mommying, nothing makes me face this more than a good ‘ol argument with my husband. We don’t argue often anymore (our first few months as Mr. and Mrs. were a bit of a doozy), but there are still times when we completely miscommunicate. This happened recently. We felt and saw the same situation totally differently and ended...
My girls and I have been memorizing Isaiah 53:6 this week in anticipation of Easter. We’ve been talking about what it means to go astray from God and how we all do it! God is so good and isn’t okay with losing his wandering sheep. He loves us so much He planned for Jesus to lay down His life in order to take the punishment for our sins. Here’s a coloring page you can work through with your kids...
My husband texted me a simple question while he was at dance class with our girls last Saturday morning: “Would you be okay if I went to play golf this afternoon?” Our two-month-old was going through a bit of a growth spurt and I didn’t get great sleep the night before. I was also feeling a little emotional, and my head hurt from all the wonderful blooming going on outside. I felt I should say “yes,” because that’s what a...