How I deal with depressing days
I have days when I’m just sad. Depression is just a part of the rhythm of my life. It comes and goes. Sometimes I can figure out the source (physical, situational) and others times I can’t. I feel sad or oppressed by life, weighed down. I get quiet and weepy. I feel extra needy and don’t know why. One blessing of having been very low in the past is that I know a few things: I know God will...
I am not a great pray-er. I am a desperate, scattered pray-er. I desperately need HIM because . . .I could think a thousand thoughts and feel a thousand feelings. But what is true?I could attempt many things.But what would please YOU?C.S. Lewis described the battle for our thoughts this way: “It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning...