Advent starts this coming Sunday, and friends, I’m not ready. My mind is in a million places. But you know what? That is exactly why the church celebrates seasons–to prepare Him room. To orient our hearts back to eternal matters. I need the month to prepare my heart to celebrate the momentous coming of our Immanuel. I need the month to settle my mind on Him in all His worthiness, joy, and glory. I won’t do it perfectly or...
I can feel it even now. The busyness creeping in as my day planner pages run out: Christmas plays, parties, the gift lists I need to make, the pretty new wreath I imagine for my front door to let everyone know there’s joy inside. My brain begins to spin and it’s so tempting to absorb and manage every bit of information at my fingertips. This, combined with a tendency towards gloom in the winter months, is my recipe for...
I typically take December off from blogging, but before I do, I wanted to share this December screensaver and printable Christmas coloring page with you! This image is also available in the shop as a printable 8 x 10″ print and Christmas card set (along with other fun new designs)! You can download your coloring page HERE or by clicking on the image below! You can get your screensaver by right-clicking on the second image below, saving to your...
Eek! It’s been another year of blogging and I’m excited to share this last post! So I mentioned that I am taking December off. I did this last year on the advice of another business owner and it was such a blessing. We need the time to rest and fully celebrate this great thing that God has done for us (and all of humanity). I am not a baker and I don’t go all-out with Christmas decorating. My son...
I just love books and how God uses them to change me. I have to admit I’m not always great at finishing them, but I have great expectations! Here is a collection of books I’d like to read this coming year: A. The Green Ember by SD Smith (comes highly recommended by the Read-Aloud Revival’s Sarah Makenzie). This one is to read with the girls. B. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change your Family by Paul David...
I’m wrapping up my final blog posts of the year and getting ready to take December off from blogging and being a little business owner! I’m a little obsessed with art (if you haven’t guessed). As soon as we bought our current home, I planned out what I would put on the walls. If I go to your house and you have blank walls, I will probably secretly plan out art to fill your space. I spend a lot...