It was a rough day in the world in the world of mommying. I like things nice and neat, but nothing about this day was nice and neat. I like things orderly, calm, sweet–a hearts and flowers kinda girl. You can probably guess that today was none of those things. You think you’re a calm, patient, reasonable person who has attained some level of maturity, and then God puts you in the role of training and raising up adorable little...
I impressed myself this morning. I was the mom I know I can be if I just pull it together. I didn’t yell ALL morning. I controlled my twitches of anger when one little miss took almost two hours to stuff a pile of clean clothes in her dresser. I used my best calm mommy voice. I let them paint. Post-nap I let myself down. I blame it on the new sprinkler, which was supposed to be highly entertaining....
There have been times this last week when the challenges of parenting compounded with physical weaknesses made it all seem just too hard, and discouragement creeps in. It seems silly to write it; I’m not gravely ill or suffering anything serious. It’s just the moment-by-moment challenge of life currently. My friend Laura recently shared the quote pictured above on her blog, The Blog Around the Corner. Laura is a friend that used to be part of our church...
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13We are reading through Philippians with our community group and I’ve been meditating on this “I can do all things” verse for the...
I’m waiting, not so patiently. Thirty-seven week pregnant and three weeks (or less) seem so far away. I realize when I’m forced to wait that my faith is often small, my hope short, and my patience untested. I am waiting for a baby that will most definitely come at some point. Small potatoes. Others in my life are waiting too:One for a foster child to fill a beautifully decorated room in her home.One on a chaotic government to come...
How I deal with depressing days
I have days when I’m just sad. Depression is just a part of the rhythm of my life. It comes and goes. Sometimes I can figure out the source (physical, situational) and others times I can’t. I feel sad or oppressed by life, weighed down. I get quiet and weepy. I feel extra needy and don’t know why. One blessing of having been very low in the past is that I know a few things: I know God will...
Do you ever have days where your soul feels sore? I had one recently. There was nothing major wrong, just a multitude of little things rubbing me wrong. A child with an attitude.A conversation with a teacher, “We had a little problem with so-and-so today. She’s normally so good . . .”A sinful thought that disappoints.An interrupted nap.An unresolved relationship that I can’t control.A struggling friend.An awkward conversation I wish went better.Worry over what someone might think of something...
Some days I really need a boost of confidence. But where is that found? I can fill in the blank above with:my abilitiesmy wisdommy personalitymy experiencemy husbandmy churchmy friendsmy parenting strategies I don’t know about you, but confidence in these don’t always inspire courage and quiet my anxieties. We start homeschool for real next month and I range from excited to really sure I’m going to blow it. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose...