Sometimes, I think it’s important to take a big step back out of the busyness of life, and ask the big picture questions. What is God doing here? What am I doing here? When we frame life in God’s big picture, then the day-to-day takes on a different color, a deeper joy, and a rediscovered purpose–without changing our actual circumstances one little bit. Here’s a big picture truth: God has a kingdom and he’s calling you and me to...
“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” (Psalm 66:16 ESV) Each year around my anniversary since I started blogging, I have written something here about our marriage and what God has been doing in our lives the past year. I almost skipped this year. It’s been the hardest year (our 11th) I can remember, but God is taking what seemed to be crumbling in our hands and...
If you spend any time at all on Instagram or Pinterest (as I do), you’ll scroll past lots of cute saying about life–what matters, what it’s supposed to be like, and how it’s supposed to be lived. “I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” “Your only limit is you.” “Be your own kind of beautiful.” “You are enough.” We scroll and absorb and then when real life smacks us in the face,...
Happy July, friends! I am enjoying the summer with my kiddos, but wanted to pop onto the blog and share this screensaver and some thoughts with you. I’ve been reading through Matthew this summer and have come to Jesus’ sermon on the mount in chapters five and six. I have been struck by the term “in secret” that Jesus repeats. I have been thinking how the things that matter the most to God, that make us “salt of...
If you’ve been around the blog or followed me on Instagram this year, you know I’ve fallen in love with watercolors. It started as stress relief and has turned into such a life-giving addition to my drawing (which I still love, of course). Watercoloring seems to bring out another side of my creative brain. It allows me to work more intuitively and freely. Today I’m combining my drawings and watercolors and hoping to share my love of watercolors with...
I told you I’d be back (two blog posts in one week–what?)! Summer break is just around the corner for us. I’m freaking out a little bit about having everyone at home again, but believing that God has good things for us this summer, and that I will not go crazy and lose my hair . . . or my mind . . . or both. Sigh. The anxiety is real, friends. I want to have some...