I just love books and how God uses them to change me. I have to admit I’m not always great at finishing them, but I have great expectations! Here is a collection of books I’d like to read this coming year: A. The Green Ember by SD Smith (comes highly recommended by the Read-Aloud Revival’s Sarah Makenzie). This one is to read with the girls. B. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change your Family by Paul David...
I’m wrapping up my final blog posts of the year and getting ready to take December off from blogging and being a little business owner! I’m a little obsessed with art (if you haven’t guessed). As soon as we bought our current home, I planned out what I would put on the walls. If I go to your house and you have blank walls, I will probably secretly plan out art to fill your space. I spend a lot...