How I deal with depressing days

First of all, Baby Boy is fine and kicking. I’m fine too, and I have the brain scans to prove it! The thought occurred later that I should have asked them if they could tell if I was super-smart . . . but I forgot. Yesterday was a weird day. I had some unusual vision things going on and numbness in my hands in the afternoon. The doctor couldn’t diagnose over the phone so around 9:00 my husband and...
It’s been a “hard-pressed” (2 Corinthians 4:8) kind of season season. Lots of situations I have no idea how to handle or make any sense of, worries that are hard to calm or talk myself out of, not-so-beautiful stuff coming out of me. And in the middle, God whispered this: “Something beautiful is coming.” Making things beautiful and right–that’s what He does: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet...