I’ve felt needy for a long time now. Not on my spiritual A-game. On my last nerve with my children for months. Tired. And right now–very pregnant and waiting. I was thinking this morning that feeling needy is actually closer to the truth of who we are than other feeling. Pride, feeling like we have it together, independence–these are the things that led to our fall as humans in the first place.What is the truth about us? “‘In him we live...
How I deal with depressing days
I have days when I’m just sad. Depression is just a part of the rhythm of my life. It comes and goes. Sometimes I can figure out the source (physical, situational) and others times I can’t. I feel sad or oppressed by life, weighed down. I get quiet and weepy. I feel extra needy and don’t know why. One blessing of having been very low in the past is that I know a few things: I know God will...