Are you ready to be a Bible super-sleuth? How do we reconcile the four accounts by the four different Gospel writers, of the anointing of Jesus by a woman who is only named in one account? Was Mary of Bethany (the sister of Martha and Lazarus) also called Mary Magdalene? Why was she called Mary in some accounts and Mary Magdalene in others? Let's look for clues in the text!
I am creating a series of art and poems based on the words Jesus spoke to women. This poem is based on the account of Jesus’ words spoken to his mother, Mary, when he was on the cross found in John 19:25-27. This is the artwork I created for this poem: You can hear me read this poem here: my heart has beenfull of him and the yes I gavethe God I could not see be to me accordingto your word letting go since...
I am creating a series of art and poems based on the words Jesus spoke to women. This poem is based on the account of Jesus’ words spoken to the mourning women of Jerusalem as he walked to the crucifixion site after his trial found in Luke 23:26-31. You can hear me read this poem here: city on a hillits killing field–“the skull” where fleshreduced to bone–hollowed humans ancestor Adam’scursed boneswitnessing the Teachernow walkingits way of sorrows we do all we know–weep and...