It goes something like this with me: Yup, we are homeschooling . . . this year. But, wow, their kids are doing awesome in public school. That kid is learning Latin in private school. That kid is flourishing in the local school’s Spanish immersion program and they have great relationships with the Latinos in the community. That’s a neat ministry. There’s no way I can teach my kids to speak Spanish fluently. Wait, why am I doing this again?...
I recently got an email from a reader who was interested in taking one of my coloring pages with her on a mission trip to Mexico. So . . . introducing my first Spanish language coloring page! This one is from Deteronomy 31:6 (scripture taken from the LBLA) and was previously posted here in English! It was so much fun to do, and I’m going to pray about doing more of these in Spanish in the future. If you sponsor a child...
God, I’m sorry you’re not getting the best of me these days. I was feeling discouraged with myself (DING! DING! DING! Discouragement with myself is the opposite of putting my trust in the Jesus, right?). I was discouraged with my “devotional times,” or lack of them. I don’t have a beautiful, daily, focused time of “devotion” in the prayer and the Bible, and I’ve definitely never been a morning person. My read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan petered out in 2 Chronicles ....
I have written about fear before (here and here and here, and here), and here I am again. We get into the car and I fear that we’ll get into an accident. A friend of a friend has cancer. What if that happened to me? What if we go to war and my son gets drafted one day (currently reading a World War 1 novel)? Little nagging fears, just sparks really. As I write, a wildfire still burns over...
Marriage can be a beautiful, but tricky thing. First of all, let me say that I’m so thankful to be married to a man who is a new creation in Jesus and who is always growing and learning. The two of us have the same Spirit, so in the end, God smoothes out our rough edges. But in the middle . . . well, we sometimes get splinters. Take this past Sunday morning. My husband grew up in a...
I had this idea for an illustration of some verses from Galatians 3, so I’m sharing the printable with you today! We are teaching through the story of God’s promise, or covenant, to Abraham (Genesis 12, 15 & 17) in Sunday school, and also happen to be studying the New Testament’s application of that promise in Galatians 3. “for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There...