I’m waiting, not so patiently. Thirty-seven week pregnant and three weeks (or less) seem so far away. I realize when I’m forced to wait that my faith is often small, my hope short, and my patience untested. I am waiting for a baby that will most definitely come at some point. Small potatoes. Others in my life are waiting too:One for a foster child to fill a beautifully decorated room in her home.One on a chaotic government to come...
Charitie Lees Bancroft wrote a beautiful hymn called “Before the Throne of God Above.” One of my pastors at church recently quoted it, and this line struck me: Before the throne of God aboveI have a strong, a perfect plea;A great High Priest whose name is LoveWho ever lives and pleads for me.Isn’t that a beautiful thought? At the point that your are most ashamed, most caught in your own fallenness, your selfishness, your failings, Jesus is interceding for you...
The story is from Exodus 13. The people had spend years (400) in slavery and fear, probably feeling far from God. When was the last time they saw Him work on their behalf. And then HE did–and delivered them. Just as they began to relish newfound freedom, they confronted a sea impossible to cross. With their human and untrained eyes, they could see no way past certain death. Why had God led here?They’re not unlike us. Consider this account from...