There are moments when all of us feel alone and forsaken, burdened “beyond our ability to endure” (2 Corinthians 1:8). Life can feel like way too much fo us. We cry out with the Psalmist:
“Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.” (Psa 22:11 ESV)
In this Psalm, David goes on to vividly describe how he feels surrounded by attackers, how his “heart is like wax,” and his strength is dried up “like a potsherd” as God lays him down in the “dust of death.”
I recommend reading through this whole Psalm. As David laments, he cries out to God for help:
“But you, O LORD, do not be far off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid!” (Psalm 22:19 ESV)
As David experiences God’s comfort in response to his cries, David’s lament turns to praise:
“For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him. From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will perform before those who fear him. The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the LORD! May your hearts live forever!” (Psa 22:24-26 ESV)
What do you do when you are so pressed you can hardly breathe? God provides the model right here in this Psalm and throughout Scripture:
lament > cry out > praise
God does not despise your suffering and demand you ignore it so you can praise Him. God hears your cries.
He delights to rescue you. In fact, He rescues you because He delights in you! (see Psalm 18:19)
You will be able to say to the next generation “that he has done it” (Psalm 22:31)
I have cried out many times recently, and God has shown up in so many ways.
I have seen His help in:
an encouraging Scripture
The balm to my soul of the Holy Spirit’s presence
Meals from friends as I recover from surgery
A friend’s encouraging words
A prompting to action helping me navigate a difficult situation
A friend who shared what she’s been learning at work
A prayer app helping me with my practice of prayer
I am two weeks out from a successful surgery to remove endometriosis. Thank you all who prayed for me and checked in. I am doing well and slowly regaining my strength, but there have definitely been times of lament and crying out along the way.
Friends, praise Him, but lament what you need to lament. Cry out for the help you need. He will not despise it.
In turn, don’t despise the lament of others around you. I am so thankful for all those who have entered into my suffering in such a Christ-like way.
I made this screensaver of Psalm 54:4 for you to use this month. You can download it in English or Spanish by clicking on one of the images below to save to your phone. And please share this post with a friend who might need some encouraging words!
Also, if you are looking for more ways to share Scriptures on this topic of God’s help with friends, I have a whole set in the shop called “comfort and hope.” It is full of Scriptures that are dear to my heart and have shaped the way I see God. You can purchase them as a printable, printed set, or in coloring book form.

*I’m so happy for you to enjoy my coloring pages and printables for your personal (not commercial) use! Use for Bible studies, church groups or events, and Sunday school classes are all fine! If you’re in doubt, I’m happy to answer any questions. All artwork and photos are copyright Marydean Draws. If you share this, thank you (!), and as a courtesy, please link back to this post and not the PDF file.