Flower Image: Shay Cochrane Photography |
I put my foot to the gas pedal today and remembered my dream. I am driving and the brakes aren’t responding as I careen through traffic.
Out of control. And scared.
I often have another dream. I’m at school and ready for class. In some versions I don’t have my schedule so I have no idea where class is and what time it starts. In another version, I haven’t done any studying and today is the big test, usually in history.
And I feel out of control.
I suspect my dreams are the bubbling up of my underlying fears and struggles.
Sometimes following Jesus feels right and good. Sometimes it feels hard. Sometimes it puts me at odds with people whose opinions I care about.
Out of control. Scared.
I torment myself with the “what-ifs” I could do to make things right.
Some of my burdens are just this life I’m called to. It’s a cross we are to take up after all, not an Easter basket. It’s a weapon of humiliation and torture and death, not a jeweled necklace.
So I shouldn’t be surprised at the weight of some of these choices I make as I follow my Savior.
But at the same time Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light and that I can come to Him for rest.
This takes some sorting out for me. I am praying today for Jesus to lay on me only the burdens He hand picks for me.
There are many so many burdens to bear, but not all are mine.
I watch my son on this Spring day walk around our yard. I wipe his runny nose and try to keep him from eating rocks. This is my burden this morning.
It’s mine to protect and clothe and feed him. It’s not mine to ordain the days or the course of his life. That’s the arena of the Sovereign One.
Fixing hearts–only God can do that. That is His burden. Today I ask Him to take that.
Even my own heart is His to fix. My burden is to repent constantly and obey.
The weight of people’s opinions–not mine to labor under.
The Gospel is mine to speak and write and live. It’s not mine to convince. I give Him that one too.
The world. This nation. This election. This city. It’s mine to pray that His kingdom, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. It’s mine to ask what I can do to make His kingdom a reality here.
My Church. It’s mine to “fan into flame” (2 Timothy 1:6) my spiritual gift and do my “body part” well. But the church is not mine. It’s His.
I think when we ask God to sort out these burdens, and as we ask our friends to speak truth to us about them, life can be lighter. Again, there is a cross to bear, there are deaths to die, but He has come to bring us joy and freedom and lightness and rest.
Today’s coloring page is from Matthew 11;28-30 and is sprinkled with cherry blossoms–because that’s what’s blooming in my yard today! You can download your printable coloring page HERE or by clicking on the image below (usage below*).
*I’m so happy for you to enjoy my coloring pages and printables for your personal (not commercial) use! All artwork and photos are copyright Marydean Draws. If you share this, you’re awesome (!), and as a courtesy, please link back to this post and not the PDF file. Thank you!
Hi Breanne! I'm so glad you found the art encouraging and helpful! I love the journal idea to look back on when your faith feels harder. I do the same thing with these blog posts. I love what Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68). ❤️️ Mary
Life is a struggle. I am artfully creating a scripture journal in my planner to keep me afloat during times of trial. This will be printed, colored, and glued down as a repeated reminder to study God's word to get through the hell that is life. You are awesome. Thank you for your art. I keep my journals so it will be part of my history for as my journals last.
Mary, I'm so excited to find your website (via pinterest) This is such a lovely way to dwell on a scripture and I will no doubt use some of your printables to encourage some of the women in my smallgroup when we look at specific passages. I was wondering how to give people a moment to reflect on Matthew 11:28-30 besides just reading it and then I found your drawing. I will check out your shop as I love these! Thank you for inspiring me.
Hi Holly! I'm so glad you found the blog, and found something helpful for your small group!